50,100,200,500,1000N Micro Thin Load Cells
20N,50N,100N,200N, 500N Micro Miniature Thin Load Cell (B105)
1,2,5 KN Compressive Force Sensors Load Cells with Assemble basement
20,50,100,200,500N Micro Force Sensor load cell
50N,100N,200N,300N,500N,1000N Subminiature load cell / force sensor
50N,100N,200N Mini Load Cells Force Sensors
5,10,20,30,50,100,150,200 300,500,1000kN Button Load Cell
Load Cells and Force Sensors for Punch Machine
10,20,50,75,100,150kN Miniature Column Load Cell (B114)
20N,50N,100N,200N,300N,500N Miniature Column load Cells (B316)
0.5/1/2/5/10/20/50/100kN Wheel Spoke Structure Compression Weighing Transducer Sensor Load Cell (B311)
Heavy Duty Compression Force Sensor Resistor 50t 100t 200t (BR153H)